In order to proceed with Trademark Registration in North Carolina please fill up the following form. In order to proceed, if you want any trademark protection service or info in North Carolina, please submit all the details and fill up the below query form.The fee is non-fundable. Chapter covers common issues in trade mark laws and regulations including legislation, application, refusal, opposition and registration. The Madrid System also known as the International Trademark System assists applicants in filing trademark application in multiple jurisdictions. Find the top Trademark Lawyers serving North Carolina on UpCounsel and receive custom quotes in 24 hours. Flat Fee Trademark is a flat-fee, trademarking service from North Carolina Trademark Attorneys, Minott Gore. Free consultation and no hidden fees. Must provide the names of ten lawyers or judges who are familiar with the competence and qualification of the applicant in trademark law. The information provided in this document is not the official legal publication of the Code of Federal.