Here is a step-by-step guide walking you through the process of successfully registering a state-level trademark in California. "You fill out the application." After indicating the trademark you want, "You have to indicate what the goods and services class is. Bay Area Law Firm Trusted for Trademark Protection and Litigation. Experienced Oakland attorneys help owners of logos, slogans and other marks. You must complete a separate Application if the mark is both a Trademark and a Service Mark. •. It covers the nature of registrable trademarks under the Lanham Act and explains how to evaluate whether your desired mark is available for registration. Your application must include a clear "drawing" or depiction of the trademark you want to register. In order to protect your mark it is wise to register your mark with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). It's your trademark or service mark – and it's often the first thing intellectual property pirates brand their knock-off property with.