Trademark registration is valid for ten (10) years from the date of filing and you may renew the registration every 10 years upon its expiry. Trademark opposition in Malaysia is the formal process through which any third party can oppose the registration of a pending trademark.On 27 December 2019, the Trademarks Act 2019 (the TA 2019) has officially come into force in Malaysia, repealing the previous Trade Marks Act 1976. A unique guide that identifies the top trademark professionals in key jurisdictions around the globe. The WTR 1000 focuses exclusively on trademark practice. 2 copies of completed application (model form is available). One copy will be returned to customer for future reference. We have one of the largest legal practices of international law firms in the Asia Pacific region. Representation of the trademark in the column provided for that purpose in the application for registration of trademark. Discover how PPG's global team of innovators drives sustainable solutions, enhances productivity, and celebrates 140 years of color leadership.