Log in to access forms. Select the type of form listed below for direct links to TEAS and TEASi forms.In the Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS), we have one initial application form with two filing options: TEAS Plus and TEAS Standard. To obtain a patent, an inventor must file a patent application with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (PTO). All NASA employees will need to use the following Agency information to complete an unemployment compensation claim: The second step, in the typical registration process of a trademark, is preparing and filing a complete trademark registration application with the USPTO. Apply online (TEAS). File a trademark application and other documents online through TEAS. You could not apply for those positions unless you had previous Federal career service and the announcements were open to reinstatement or status candidates. The US Patent and Trademark Office issues two types of patents for plants, fruits, and seeds: plant patents and utility patents.