Seeking a trusted trademark attorney in Orange County? CIONCA IP provides expert legal services in US trademark law.Orange County patent attorney James Yang can help you put together the strongest-possible trademark application. We create complete IP solutions for patents, trademarks, and copyrights to help startups, small businesses, and entrepreneurs grow. At CIONCA® IP we have practiced in the intellectual property law field (patents, trademarks, copyrights, licensing, IP litigation, trade secrets) since 2009! To protect your trademark, take the following three steps. Step 1: Trademark Search. If you have an invention needing protection, speak to an experienced Irvine patent attorney today. The IPL directorate takes action within this framework to protect Orange's patents and negotiate license fees. The patent infringement lawyers at Ahmadshahi Law Offices in Irvine, CA help clients in Orange County protect against or pursue litigation.