You can register your trademark at the trademark registry, Ministry of industry, Trade and Investment, Abuja Nigeria. Trademark rights are enforceable in Nigerian courts.Trademarks, Patents and Designs can now be filed online in Nigeria. Application-Acknowledgement: Fill the necessary prescribed form for the Trademark application. A trademark once registered is valid in Nigeria for an initial period of 7 years in the first instance and subsequent renewals are valid for 14 years. It can be a word, logo, symbol, design, or combination of these elements. The laws governing trademark in Nigeria are Trade Marks Act, Cap T 13, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria 2004 ("TMA") and the Trademark Regulations 1990. In the world of commerce, a distinct symbol acts as a beacon, guiding customers to the source of quality goods and services they trust. In Nigeria, the best place to register a trademark is with a trademark agent, who are essentially lawyers. This opposition must be lodged within two months of the publication of the application in the trademark journal.