The trademark application must contain the following information: The trademark name must be available for use in Pennsylvania. CAUTION: A Pennsylvania Registration does not entitle you to use the ® symbol.When you have paid fee for the provisional patent application, you need not pay any fee at the time of filing the complete application thereof. If you're an inventor or small business owner, you may be eligible for free legal assistance in preparing and filing a patent application. Filing a provisional patent application will incur costs, but if you don't use a lawyer or patent agent, there should be no fees. The Penn State patent pro bono program provides free legal assistance to under-resource Independent inventors in small businesses. State trademark registration in Pennsylvania tends to be more affordable. No, you cannot register a trademark for free because the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office ("USPTO") charges a filing fee for every application it receives. That starts accruing common law trademark rights in the US now, no fees. As an entrepreneur in the Tampa area, you will want to file a trademark application to make sure that any intellectual property (IP) is protected.