The trademark name must be available for use in Pennsylvania. Trademarks are effective for a term of five years from the date of registration.Getting a patent in Pennsylvania is the same as any other state. The patent application is filed with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). The Pro Se Assistance Program is dedicated to help independent inventors and small businesses meet their goal of protecting valuable intellectual property. Litigation of patents, trademarks, trade names, trade secrets, copyrights and related business torts in both federal and state courts. Learn more about various steps involved in the trademark process. ABOUT. EsquireTrademarks. Attorney at our firm may have sent you to this page so that you will know what information to send to us. You aren't required to have a lawyer when patenting an idea in Pennsylvania, but it is recommended to work with legal and professional support. Attorney Daniel Ernsberger is a member of the patent bar and has several years of experience practicing intellectual property law.