The premier event for trademark administrators, paralegals, young practitioners, and attorneys who manage a global trademark portfolio. Our meetings also include a brief update on recent changes to practice and the law in the fields of patents, trademarks, trade secrets and copyrights.In the Federal Register Notice dated September 12, 2003, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office requested public comments regarding the above identified. Over 20 Years Experience in Trademark Law. Philadelphia Trademark Attorney EsquireTrademarks provides trademark Application Service Online. The Pennsylvania IP Forum provides comment and lobbies Congress and the PTO on intellectual property matters affecting individual inventors and small business. Litigation of patents, trademarks, trade names, trade secrets, copyrights and related business torts in both federal and state courts. Eckert Seamans' Intellectual Property Group engages in the full spectrum of practice in this specialized area of the law. Is a trademark search necessary? What is a trademark and a service mark?