We're going to talk about how to file your own trademark application with the united states patent and trademark office. Learn how to protect your trademark through the federal registration process.Trademarks last for 10 years from the date of receipt. Prior to expiration, you have up to six months to renew your trade name or trademark. We can help get you started on patent and trademark searches, explain application processes and connect you with local patent attorneys. Find the best intellectual property attorney serving Pima County. Here you'll find what you need to know if you know nothing about patents. We'll take you from "What is a patent?" to assistance with the application process. Fun With Patents and Trademarks​​ Resources for Kids and Educators from the USPTO, including videos, downloads, coloring pages, collectibles, and more. THIS RECRUITMENT IS TO ESTABLISH A REGISTER for current and future LAW CLERK UNCLASSIFIED vacancies in the Pima County Attorney's Office.