After assuring that the invention is patent-able, the inventor can proceed for drafting the patent in Indian patent format. Patent ClaimMaster is a software tool for automating patent proofreading, patent drafting, office action shell generation, and patent downloading.The specification, including the abstract and claims, must have lines that are 1.5 or doublespaced in a single column of text. When it comes to filing a patent application, the goal is simple – to clearly explain the patent examiner what your invention is and how it can be used. Description of an invention is required to be furnished with sufficient detail so as to give a complete picture of the invention. It is not intended to be an interpretation of the Indian Patent Law. 5. You can choose to file form 9 (optional) and form 18 along with fiing a complete application or after filing a complete application. Claims define the contours of rights, if and when a patent is granted for an invention. Are drawings mandatory? Do you need to be a patent attorney to draft a patent?