Please contact the trademark lawyers at Sierra IP Law, PC today for assistance with trademark applications and other trademark issues. The Intellectual Property and Technology Practice at Lewis Brisbois is a leader in the acquisition, defense, and protection of intellectual property rights.Buchalter's Intellectual Property attorneys are experts in copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret and privacy and security restrictions. We are experienced Sacramento Trademark Attorneys. We have helped many individuals and companies with their intellectual property law issues. David A. Gay, Ph.D. focuses his practice on pharmaceutical and biotechnology intellectual property law. Get free patent and trademark legal assistance. Our seasoned patent litigators are prepared to litigate on your behalf, and have a track record of success handling complex patent infringement cases. Mike Thomas is one of a few registered patent attorneys based in Sacramento with a law practice focused on intellectual property litigation. Call now or fill out our online form to request your free introductory call with The Patent Professor®.