There are three basic requirements: The mark must be "in use" in Texas before the date of the application. The mark must be distinctive.San Antonio patent attorneys at Bold Patents provide expert legal services in intellectual property, focusing on patent prosecution and litigation. Our trademark and copyright attorneys are here to guide you on your journey through the process from start to finish. Hire a San Antonio trademark attorney to file your trademark registration application in 5 days. If you're an inventor or small business owner, you may be eligible for free legal assistance in preparing and filing a patent application. Learn how to trademark an idea and protect your intellectual property. To learn more about what kind of trademark you are going to require for your business venture(s), call Axenfeld Law Group today. Secure your brand with Vethan Law Firm P.C.'s trademark registration and protection services. Eric Hinojosa is a registered attorney with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.