The Secretary of State's office maintains registration and all updates of California state trademarks and service marks. At The Kinder Law Group, our expert team of California-based trademark lawyers is here to support your trademark filing from start to finish.Use FindLaw to hire a local patent lawyer near you to help you acquire and defend your trademarks. At Burns Patent Law, we offer specialized patent services to cater to diverse sectors. Examples of patents we've successfully prosecuted in the past include:. Intellectual property law can be difficult to navigate, but The Kinder Law Group team is here to help you build the protections your business needs. Compare the best Patent lawyers near San Bernardino, CA today. Use our free directory to instantly connect with verified Patent attorneys. Singh presently concentrates his legal practice in the area of Real Estate, Business Law, and Trademarks. Currently the General Counsel for Civic Center Law Group, Rebecca London has 17 years worth of experience practicing law.