At The Kinder Law Group, our expert team of California-based trademark lawyers is here to support your trademark filing from start to finish. Compare the best Trademark lawyers near San Bernardino, CA today.Use our free directory to instantly connect with verified Trademark attorneys. Seeking a reliable San Bernardino patent attorney or trademark lawyer? Intellectual property law can be difficult to navigate, but The Kinder Law Group team is here to help you build the protections your business needs. Serving San Bernardino, CA (Nationwide) ; Zoe Bernstein. The Law Office of Aletha J. Smith, PC is a boutique law firm providing services in Business, Trademark, Estate Planning and Family Law. Find the best trademarks attorney serving San Bernardino County. You speak with an attorney every step of the way, not just fill out forms. Fill out the contact form or call us at (303) 828-0655 to schedule your consultation.