In the Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS), we have one initial application form with two filing options: TEAS Plus and TEAS Standard. The Secretary of State's office maintains registration and all updates of California state trademarks and service marks.This page provides information on the types of patents and types of patent applications, and the examination process. Interested in filing a patent? Our team of experienced attorneys and patent agent are here to help. The preparation of the patent application itself can take anywhere from a few hours to many months, depending on the complexity of the invention. Selecting a mark is the first step to your application process. Filing a petition may be right for you if you want to revive an abandoned application, correct some types of errors, request reconsideration, request a waiver. Normally, you will file these documents through the USPTO website's electronic TEAS filing system. Jesse Salen is a partner in the Intellectual Property Practice Group in the firm's San Diego (Del Mar) office.