Trademarks protect brands, business names, logos, slogans, and even sounds. We'll match you with the best trademarks and patent attorney San Jose, CA, can offer, with the most experience in your area of need.For example, before you apply for a patent, you have no legal protections whatsoever. Discover why PatentPC is the best patent law firm for businesses in San Jose, California, and explore local patenting considerations. This page provides information on the types of patents and types of patent applications, and the examination process. Find the best trademarks attorney serving San Jose. A patent is a contract between an inventor and the government. At our San Jose intellectual property law firm, we never pass our overhead costs to the client. This session focuses on capturing your invention throughout your disclosure (e.g. Law and Legal Help Resources Featured Program: Lawyers in the Library Connect with an attorney from the Pro Bono Project for…