In filing a patent application and paying required fees, the USPTO provides forms and an electronic filing tool. Patents grant inventors the right to exclude others from making, using, offering for sale, importing, or selling the invention in the United States.Here's how to get a U.S. patent on your idea or invention without a lawyer. Follow these steps to do a patent search and file a patent application yourself. Three steps to a provisional patent application: search for priorart, describe your invention, and fill out the forms. The four pillars of intellectual propertypatents, copyright, trademarks, and trade secretsall play roles in protecting software. An ADS isn't needed for a provisional patent application. Suffolk Law's LLM in Global Law and Technology will help you meet these challenges and prepare for the future practice of law. Once you have filled out the form and paid the necessary fees, you must send it to the Patent Office for examination. Find your future, and start your job search now.