Up-to-date and authoritative guide to Cambodian trademark law. Information on trademark registration, search, enforcement, renewal and anticounterfeiting.Learn how to register a trademark in Cambodia with our comprehensive guide. A trademark in Cambodia is valid for ten years from the date of filing and may be renewed for successive tenyear periods upon payment of the prescribed fee. Degree Requirements - 126 credits. Students can earn a bachelor of arts degree with this major. The applicant then must pay the registration fee of USD 65 and will receive an official trademark registration certificate. After the 5th year or within the 6th year of the trademark registration, the trademark owner has to file an Affidavit of Use (as attached form) As Editors of this publication, we continue to try to provide to both prelaw advisors and prelaw students the most current and useful information possible. Discover the requirements and stepbystep procedures you'll need to know for a trademark registration in Cambodia.