You can only use ® if your mark is actually registered at the federal level with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Trademark Application - Application for registration of a trademark or service mark. Rev.Applying for a Texas trademark registration is easy. Just fill out the Trademark or Service Mark Application Form, which can be obtained online. The state trademark registration secures the exclusive right to use a mark within Texas, prohibits unauthorized use, and enhances brand recognition. Texas law requires you to use your trademark before you register it. Start using your name as a trademark, and put the ™ symbol after it in every prominent place you use it. Applying for a state trademark in Texas involves completing the Trademark or Service Mark Application Form. A state of Texas trademark gives the owner legal use and protection of brand names, logos, slogans, and designs used in commerce. Registration with the SOS alerts the state of Texas that you claim ownership over a trademark.