Crabtree's affidavit of resignation and ordered his exclusion on consent from practice before the Office in trademark and nonpatent law. Travis CI relies on multiple Open-Source modules and frameworks.The respective licensing information is available in Travis CI public repositories. Travis Kelce recently filed five applications to register marks, namely: his own name, TRAVIS KELCE; "FLIGHT 87", which references his football jersey number. What follows are the most common parts of a patent application, together with discussion about what each section needs to include. We're going to talk about how to file your own trademark application with the united states patent and trademark office. Trademark scams are so rampant that the USPTO website provides a list of examples, which I will link in a comment below. Cleveland Heights' own Travis Kelce is working to cash in on his time in the spotlight. Travis R. Wimberly is a partner at Pirkey Barber PLLC. Item 6 of the application.