A patent examiner at the US Patent and Trademark Office will help you with the application, but USPTO employees cannot give legal advice. (73) Filing an application without an attorney is possible, but even with some guidance it is definitely not without its challenges.It is possible for an individual to file their own patent without counsel but if possible have a patent practitioner write the claims. Although trademarks are also filed with the USPTO, an attorney can file a trademark with the USPTO without taking the patent bar. Trademarks, patents, and copyrights are different types of intellectual property. The USPTO grants patents and registers trademarks. In this video we are going to be talking about the getting a trademark without hiring in a lawyer. This office does not search phone books, the internet, or any other "common law" usage of marks in commerce. In some cases, registering a trademark will not require an attorney. A nonprovisional utility patent application is very difficult to fill out without the help of an attorney.