Date of first use of the trademark or service mark (include month and year):. In Utah: Outside Utah: 9.Application and management information, including forms for a Utah Trademark that registers with the Utah Division of Corporations and Commercial Code. A priority claim allows a laterfiled application to obtain the benefit of the earlier filing date of an earlierfiled patent application. Whoever was first to sell goods or services under a particular mark will typically be deemed the rightful trademark owner. This is known as trademark priority. For any patent that claims priority to an earlier application, the priority date to which each asserted claim allegedly is entitled;. An "intenttouse" trademark application allows an entity to stake its claim to a name even if they are not yet using the name in commerce. You can file an application to register your trademark or service mark with an intenttouse (ITU) filing basis. This allows you to secure a priority filing date for your mark while you work towards using it in commerce.