Application and management information, including forms for a Utah Trademark that registers with the Utah Division of Corporations and Commercial Code. If the owner is a business entity, rather than an individual, the applicant's name under which the entity is organized must be entered.(1) The registration of a mark under this chapter expires five years after the date the division certifies the registration under Section 70-3a-304. Green Legal Group provides advice and counseling services for all aspects of trademark law in Utah. In addition to the general naming rules, Utah requires that a few other restrictions are met, such as the rule any registered business name must be in English. To be classified as a trademark, the name must have a special filing with the USPTO, and the more unique your name is, the more likely it is to be approved. Utah law specifies that your LLC's name needs to be unique in several ways, so you can't just use any name you want and add "LLC" to the end of it. When filling out the application, you will be inquired about the field of business your trademark is going to be used in. As a caveat, a business name registered with the state is not trademarked, nor is a website domain. You must be careful that your Utah LLC name doesn't infringe on the trademark or service mark of another business.