This page provides information on the types of patents and types of patent applications, and the examination process. The Inventors Assistance Center (IAC) provides patent assistance and information to the public.This process includes consulting, drafting, filing, and responding to the USPTO to get an approved patent. Many Virginia patent drafting services can help you submit international applications through the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT). Patent drafting involves writing detailed descriptions and claims to ensure strong patent protection. If you live within Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, or DC and would like to apply to the regional FCBA IAP, please fill out the Application form below. Patent Application Drafting outlines the drafting of patent applications from a practical perspective for both novices and experts. First, your application must be submitted with your transmittal form or letter, appropriate fees, and data sheet. The Intellectual Property Process is the roadmap the Office of Innovation and Commercialization uses to help commercialize your invention. Properly completing an IDF demonstrates a constructive reduction to practice.