You must submit a completed Form TM1 (Application for Registration of a Trademark or Service Mark (Form TM1) with the required documents and fees. Under Section 16 of the Myanmar Trademark Law, the applicant may write the registration application in Myanmar or English.In essence, a foreign applicant (i.e. Start your trademark application today. This set offers a complete guide to world trademark law and practice, with detailed coverage of 35 major jurisdictions and summary coverage of another 100. The new law will modernize Myanmar's trademark system and align it with international standards. From mid2021, the CNIPA and the Chinese courts started to refuse to accept letters of consent even when the marks were not identical. The Virginia Bar Association IPIT Law Section presents Trademark and copyright resources. This searchable database contains all recorded Patent Assignment information open to the public from August 1980 to the present. Our Pro Bono Clearinghouse atches eligible clients facing trademark issues with INTA member attorneys who volunteer to provide services free of charge.