In filing a patent application and paying required fees, the USPTO provides forms and an electronic filing tool. The Pro Se Assistance Program is dedicated to help independent inventors and small businesses meet their goal of protecting valuable intellectual property.Second, a patent granted on a first-inventor-to-file application can be challenged through post-grant review ("PGR") in the USPTO. The AIA does retain a one-year grace period for inventors to file a US patent application following public disclosure of their invention. Develop and implement a system to coordinate and ensure timely review and filing of patent applications. The plaintiffs cannot claim against the defendant for damages due to infringement of the patent right. " In the end, the plaintiff lost the case. In jurisdictions that have declined to recognize inventorship rights for AI systems, the question remains: who, if not AI, can be properly named as an inventor? A new patent application can rely on another application so long as that earlier application is pending. Collaboration and Outreach.