To file online, use the Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS) or fill out the free application form to get help filing a trademark. This "constructive use" of the mark means that the law treats you as if you had begun using the trademark in commerce as of the filing date.As implied in its name, an Intent-To-Use trademark application (ITU application) allows you to apply to register a mark before use in commerce. To register a trademark with the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), you will need to fill out and submit a trademark application. The intent to use trademark application is for applicants who have not yet used the name in commerce but "intend" on using it in the future. The owner is not necessarily the name of the person filling out the application. At some point in the future, the USPTO may approve and register the trademark. Use of the mark as applied for must be shown in connection with the goods or services identified in the application.