REQUIREMENTS FOR FILING NIGERIAN TRADEMARK APPLICATIONS​​ Trademark representation to be provided and must be visible, clear and distinct. RCW 19.77 sets out Washington's trademark registration law.Washington's law is modeled after the Model State Trademark Bill (MSTB). Chapter covers common issues in trade mark laws and regulations including legislation, application, refusal, opposition and registration. The validity term of a trademark in Nigeria is 7 years from the filing date and renewable for the successive periods of 14 years. This article explains the procedure for the registration of trademarks, enforcement, and remedies for the infringement of trademarks in Nigeria. This article is a comprehensive guide into trademarks applications in Nigeria. Trademarks, Patents and Designs can now be filed online in Nigeria. Trademark rights are enforceable in Nigerian courts. Nigeria. The Nigerian IP scene continues to develop and remains a key market on the African continent.