RCW 19.77 sets out Washington's trademark registration law. Washington's law is modeled after the Model State Trademark Bill (MSTB).How do I file a Trademark Registration? See RCW 19.77 for guidance and what is required to register a Trademark in the State of Washington. You can only include one trademark per application. Learn how to trademark a logo with this complete guide, covering the steps, requirements, and tips to protect your brand's visual identity effectively. Our Seattle trademark attorneys will prepare a flat fee trademark application directed to your business name, logo, slogan, and more. In the United States, you are not required to register marks to obtain protectable rights. The easiest way to submit an application to register your trademark is online, through the USPTO's Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS). Start using your name as a trademark, and put the â„¢ symbol after it in every prominent place you use it.