Log in to access forms. Select the type of form listed below for direct links to TEAS and TEASi forms.Federal Registration Requirements. In the Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS), we have one initial application form with two filing options: TEAS Plus and TEAS Standard. The USPTO Patents page contains information on the patent process, U.S. patent statistics, and patentrelated resources and guidance. We're going to talk about how to file your own trademark application with the united states patent and trademark office. The US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is the agency responsible for granting US patents and registering trademarks. All trademark and service mark transactions must be submitted online at INBiz.in.gov. Any new US trademark applications must include an email address for each applicant, even if there is an appointed attorney on record. Conducting a Wayne County Trademark Search is the first step in the Detroit Trademark application filing process.