Most applicants who are age 1617 must apply in person using Form DS11. Passports for applicants 16 and older are valid for 10 years.Notice to Applicants Ages 16 and 17: At least one of your parent(s) or legal guardian(s) must know that you are applying for a U.S. passport. Find out how to apply for or renew a passport for an adult or a minor under 18. Know what to do if a passport is lost or stolen. Apply for a child 16 to 17 years old. Passports for 16 and 17 year olds have special requirements that must be met before a new passport can be issued. Check forms and fees here. One Application DS-11 (fill out online)- his form must be filled out online. Complete and submit this application in person to a designated acceptance agent: a clerk of a federal or state court of record or a judge or clerk of a probate.