Useful Life — The estimated period during which a capital asset will be of economic benefit. For information or help, call one of the numbers listed: Phoenix.Section 10-2254 - Capital stock. Capital stock is the number of common and preferred shares that a company is authorized to issue, and is recorded in shareholders' equity. If the amended return making the PTE election is accepted, each partner or shareholder that does not opt out of the PTE election must file an amended individual. Economies of scale occur when firms are able to: A. increase revenue as the quantity of production increases. After the IPO shares are issued to investors to raise capital and begin trading, the general public can buy or sell shares through a stock exchange. A stock is a form of security that indicates the holder has proportionate ownership in the issuing corporation and is sold predominantly on stock exchanges. Discover how we help individuals, families, institutions and governments raise, manage and distribute the capital they need to achieve their goals. Fifty-six percent of owners reported capital outlays in the last six months, up two points from November.