The Economic Development Division recruits and retains businesses and develops training programs for in demand trades within Bexar County. This investment in capital assets includes land, building and improvements, furniture, office equipment, computers, and peripherals.Capital stock is the number of common and preferred shares that a company is authorized to issue, and is recorded in shareholders' equity. This is the second fastest rate in the state. 4 The Capital Region is home to several industries that are long-term economic pillars for the region. BODY OF THE CITY OF BALCONES HEIGHTS, TEXAS, WILL BE HELD ON Monday,. In other words, the unproductive capital expenditures in the regulated industries "crowd out" productive capital investment in the broader economy. It is the most populous city in and the county seat of Bexar County. Disentangling the private and public sectors' contribution to total investment is challenging in practice. The Business Journals features local business news from 40-plus cities across the nation.