Capital stock is the amount of common and preferred shares that a company is authorized to issue, according to its corporate charter. Chicago continues to have one of the most diverse economies in the United States. The.Solved: Working on an scorp balance sheet and I'm not sure if I'm entering Capital Stock and Additional PaidIn Capital correctly. The balance sheet, form FR 34, shows in detail the assets, liabilities, and capital accounts of the Federal Reserve Banks and certain additional information. This guide has been prepared to support practitioners in the preparation of their financial statements. Conjunction with the balance sheet taken as a whole. Customer: Hello, I am completing a balance sheet for my s corp tax return in QB's the category is Members Equity. Combining balance sheet nonmajor capital projects fund. 102103. Combining schedule of revenues, expenditures and changes in fund balance. Dividends on capital stock. . (49). . (49).