Capital formation is a term used to describe a particular country's net capital accumulation during an accounting period. It requires complete registration and transaction information to be provided in the prospectus.Capital formation refers to the process of accumulating physical and financial assets that are used for production purposes. • New investments identified in the state capital bill and new opportunities in the federal tax code can be leveraged for economic development. Threats. Need to start your company overseas? Here's everything you should explore to register a company in the Cook Islands. A cap table (or capitalization table) is a document, like a spreadsheet or a table, that details who has ownership in a company. A cap table (or capitalization table) is a document, like a spreadsheet or a table, that details who has ownership in a company. Explaining the process and a form the applicant may either fill out and mail back17 or bring in (if the applicant needs assistance in completing the form). In terms of financialsector leverage, high levels of capital and liquidity in the banking system are a key source of resilience.