I am pleased to forward for your review and consideration the FY 2023–FY 2027 Advertised Capital. Improvement Program (With Future Fiscal Years to FY 2032).The CIP is the County's five-year roadmap for creating, maintaining and funding present and future capital infrastructure requirements. SUBJECT: Consideration of a resolution to approve the issuance of revenue bonds of the City of Fairfax,. Capital projects are an opportunity to foster trust and strengthen relationships between the community and FCPS. The Capital Construction Cash Flow (Cash Flow), on page 47, shows current and anticipated funding for capital projects planned in the next five years. EASY TO USE – Follow step-by-step instructions for easy guidance through completing your return. Action: Adopt Resolution R92022 to approve projects for funding under the Federal. Transportation Alternatives Set Aside. EASY TO USE– Follow step-by-step instructions for easy guidance through completing your return.