Section 3909.02 Capital stock requirement. Provides an incentive for Taxpayers to invest in projects in economically distressed areas known as "Ohio Opportunity Zones."The capital stock is an important source of propagation in slumps, a point that has escaped analysis in the cycle-around-trend view of fluctuations. It is the total amount of physical capital at any particular moment in time. Capital is one of the factors of production. Capital stock is the number of common and preferred shares that a company is authorized to issue, and is recorded in shareholders' equity. The purpose of this policy is to summarize the capital asset policies and procedures for Cuyahoga County ("the County"). The term "entire capital stock," as used in Section 9366, General. House Bill 2, which contains the state's Capital Improvement Budget as well as Ohio's onetime Strategic Community Investment Fund, has been signed into law. Fifty-six percent of owners reported capital outlays in the last six months, up two points from November.