The corporate resolution must include the signature of the corporate officer and the corporate seal or the articles of incorporation. â–» If you're using a raised corporate seal to complete your request, we will not be able to accept a fax copy.Send this form, along with any other required. CORPORATE RESOLUTION (Conveyance). State of New York Title No. ss: County of ______. If the corporation does have a seal, the seal should be affixed both to the signature page of the contract and to the certified resolution. A corporate resolution is a formal record of a corporation's board of directors' decisions and actions on behalf of the company. A template for a board resolution is helpful for ensuring that all the proper information gets included on the resolution and that resolutions are consistent. A regular and reorganizational meeting of the Town of Orange was held on Monday,. January 6, 2014 in the Town of Orange Town Hall at PM with the following.