To form an LLC, a Certificate of Organization is required to be filed with the Corporation Bureau of the. Pennsylvania has eliminated the Capital Stock and Foreign Franchise Tax for all taxpayers, effective for tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2016.The Capital Program is the six-year plan for investing in Philadelphia's: The first-year spending plan in the Capital Program is called the Capital Budget. These funds are shown in the Capital Program in order to provide complete information on the scope and cost of Citysupported projects. Grow Philadelphia Capital Initiative loans are fixed at below-market rates. Loan terms range from 6 to 24 months. Title 15 Corporations and Unincorporated Associations Part I. Preliminary Provisions Chapter 1. General Provisions Subchapter A. Preliminary Provisions It requires complete registration and transaction information to be provided in the prospectus. Penn Capital distinctly integrates credit and equity research with a Complete Capital Structure Analysis®.