Donating appreciated securities, including stocks or bonds, is an easy and tax-effective way for you to make a gift to UC Riverside. In order for Riverside Shareholders to receive the certificates or DRS Advice Statements representing the New Riverside.(1) Fees pursuant to the Uniform Civil Fees and Standard Fee Schedule Act of 2005 (Stats. We are delighted to assist you with your plans to make a gift to Riverside through a transfer of stock. Below are the instructions and account information. The County of Riverside Office of the District Attorney is currently recruiting post-bar law clerks (Law Clerk II) for the Spring and Fall of 2025. In the City's fiduciary funds as a privatepurpose trust fund. Complete financial statements are prepared for the Riverside Public Financing. Two such animals may be kept on each 20,000 square feet up to one acre and two such animals for each additional acre. Please access Riverside County specific IHSS support for clients and providers using the links below.