Learn the intricacies of today's market to predict tomorrow's financial landscape through Suffolk's Master of Science in Finance (MSF) program. The MMA and Suffolk University will offer three Municipal Finance Management Seminar programs in 2025.Intermediate Finance expands on basic financial concepts and introduces more advanced topics. The BSBA in Finance requires completion of a minimum of 21 credit hours in finance. You may be eligible for HEAP, even if you: Own your home; Pay for heat as part of your rent; Have money in the bank, stocks, bonds or other resources. Petition forms are available through this website, or upon request from the General Clerk's Office. To buy a copy of Bev's book, The Pocket Guide to Sales for Financial Advisors, click here. Ability to research, reconcile, analyze, and evaluate financial data and resolve problems. The BSBA in Finance requires completion of a minimum of 21 credit hours in finance. A cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0 in the Finance major.