A specific corporate resolution that authorizes specific corporate officers with the legal standing to sign contracts on behalf of the corporation. Legal name (the "Company"): _ _____. _. ____. ______. ______.Type on screen or fill in using CAPITAL letters and black ink. 1. Corporation. Your company's permanent street address is required. For example, if a signatory has left the business but they are still on your bank mandate. Free Sample Corporate Resolution to Authorize Borrowing on a Line of Credit. Customize and download over 70 free corporate resolutions samples. BE IT RESOLVED THAT, on behalf of the Sole Member LLC, we appoint the following duly Authorized Signer(s) to exercise the powers (A-B) listed below: Name:. Memorandum from Andy Field, to Rania Amen dated March 3, 2023. Cc: Elif Cetin, Assistant Director, Strategic Capital Projects Department.