To register a capital gains account, you will need a SecureAccess Washington (SAW) account. You can easily for a Washington state corporation or LLC yourselfwithout outside help from a professional or online service.Below are some guidelines to help explain this new tax and the recently released steps regarding how to set up a DOR Capital Gains Account. The Washington State Capital Gains return can be prepared and filed at the Washington DOR website here. See here for video assistance on completing the form. Washington state's new capital gains tax targets specific asset sales starting in 2022. The new WA Cap Gains Tax creates new wrinkles and provides new planning opportunities for individuals' estate plans. Sixteen states levy capital stock taxes (often called franchise taxes, though some states use that term for different types of taxes as well). We measure public investment using gross fixed capital formation (GFCF) of the general government (i.e. , central plus subnational governments).