In Batman Begins, Bruce Wayne buys back 'a majority' of Wayne Enterprises' stock after its IPO. A stock's price tells you little on its own.Here's how to dig deeper to determine the stock's value, and whether it's a good investment. Wayne's decision to leave the startup cost him big. Issued shares data is in the annual report for issue price calculation. 167 Used and Certified Used for Sale in Lake Worth, FL ; Ford F-150 XL. Stock: LR11725. A sizable fraction of firms, however, have price declines in the period preceding an issue. Wayne Wagner (Ed.), The complete guide to securities transactions, Wiley, New York, NY (1989). Track Wayne Farms (WFNM) Stock Price, Quote, latest community messages, chart, news and other stock related information. REITs often issue shares to fund growth, such as property acquisition.