The New York State Unified Court System offers free instruction booklets and forms for people starting a divorce. The name, previous last names (if any), current address, social security number, and phone number of the person you want to divorce.Decree of Dissolution (needed for final hearing) (E-File as "Filing Submitted to. Find account applications and maintenance forms for accounts and products. Introduction to representing yourself in Pennsylvania. Each of the documents listed below include a blank form and the instructions to fill out that form. In the Domestic Relations division, case types include divorces, dissolutions, legal separations, annulments, and domestic violence actions. Bank Account Withholding Form. Download and complete Divorce, Child Support, and Maintenance forms from the Illinois Office of the Courts. Actions filed in this office include accounts, adoptions, appeals, claims against estates, guardianships, minors' estates, small estate proceedings, and trusts.