Download Loan Application, Credit Card Application, Employment Application, Auto pay authorization, Checklists and other important documents from TNB. Whether you're looking for a personal loan, or a line of credit for fast access to cash, or aren't sure what type of loan you need, this is the place to start.Complete the following information about both the Applicant and Joint Applicant or Other Person (if applicable):. All you have to do is fill out our online loan form and in minutes you'll find out the personal loan amount you qualify for. TXN Bank offers personal loans to help you finance your dreams. Apply for a personal loan today and get the money you need to reach your goals. To begin, please download the appropriate form below, complete, and return to any of our local branches. To apply for a personal loan, you will need to provide basic personal information as well as proof of employment and income. Fill out the fields in the form to the right. One of our representatives will contact you within one business day to complete the process.