Fill out the filing details, including a purpose statement for certain entities, such as corporations. The financial statements should include a (1) statement of net assets or a balance sheet, (2) statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in net assets,.Some family law cases require you to complete a financial declaration. This is a detailed picture of your entire financial situation. With Bank of Utah's eStatement Promise, we guarantee that your account statements will be available to you electronically, and free, for seven years. Court-appointed guardians and conservators must file an initial inventory, and annual status reports and financial accountings. All of the funds of Highland City can be divided into two categories; governmental funds and proprietary funds. Utah law requires that the parties in a family law case submit a financial declaration. Click here to find out the documents you'll need. The annual financial statements consist of the Statement of Net Position and Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Net Position.