You must meet the minimum age restrictions, present a valid driver's license and possess an acceptable charge card in your name. You will pay the daily rate stated in the Agreement for each Day, or part of any Day, of the rental.The minimum charge is one Day, plus mileage or a fixed fee. A welldrafted car hire contract agreement covers everything from rental duration and mileage limits to insurance coverage and potential fees. At the time of the rental, the credit card must be in the renter's name and must have plenty of available credit. The Guide explains what you should know when applying to rent, living in a rented property, and dealing with the end of a lease. DW is not insurance. What are a tenant's rights? The terms and conditions of this Agreement apply when either the "Government rate" is booked or the. You will pay the daily rate stated in the Agreement for each Day, or part of any Day, of the rental.