Take an antihistamine, which you can buy without a prescription. Solutions can include taking over-the-counter or prescription medications, using pressure points, focusing on a fixed point, and other methods.I get motion sickness if I am a passenger and yes having a window cracked helps! Care advice for motion sickness: What you should know about motion sickness: Rest - Lie Down, Fluids - Offer Sips, Vomiting. Carefully planned pre-trip meals, air ventilation and distractions might help prevent car sickness in children. Sitting in the front seat: Sitting in the front seat allows you to see the road ahead, which can help reduce the feeling of nausea. Motion sickness typically occurs after a triggering motion or event. Take control of the situation. It was 89A from Flagstaff into Sedona and yes it is bad for anyone with motion sickness. 17 is a much better option if motion sickness is an issue.